Monday - Thursday

5:00am - 9:00pm


5:00am - 9:00pm


8:00am - 5:00pm


8:00am - 5:00pm

Primary Location: 5030 E 62nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46220

Pilates Classes

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Pilates Classes

What Happens in a Pilates Class?

Pilates is a mat based class concentrating on core muscle stability, and was developed by Joseph Pilates in Germany, the UK and the USA. It aims to condition the entire body, focusing on spinal and pelvic alignment to relieve stress.

What will I gain from doin a Pilates Class?

Because of its holistic nature, Pilates is a great exercise for your body. The combination of stretches and breathing exercises can tone legs and arms, and by allowing oxygen flow to muscles, Pilates will condition the entire body. It focuses on proper alignment and posture, so is one of the best exercises to tone your abs and strengthen the back. It promotes the co-ordination of the body, mind and spirit. It suits everyone, as it is low intensity and can be altered to suit different levels.

How often should I attend a Pilates Class?

Most people benefit from Pilates twice a week, however it is advantageous to do additional health, toning and fitness classes throughout the week including Yoga and even an Abs class. Once the benefits start to kick in, you will more than likely want to attend further classes, and your fitness level will increase dramatically! Make sure to wear comfortable clothes and you can bring your own yoga mat if you have one!

What type of Pilates Classes are offered?

Peak offers the following Pilates Classes:

  • Pilates: Integrated floor exercise to challenge your core and entire body. (1 hour)
  • PiYo: A fusion of pilates and yoga elements into an integrated class. (1 hour)
  • Pilates Plus: Focusing on pilates, also including yoga, bar, and possibly weights. Come when you can, even after class starts. (75 minutes)